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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Got a question? Hopefully, you’ll find the answer here! If not, please contact us using the contact form below, managed by our partner, Spamhaus:

What impact does the URLhaus data have? What formats is the URLhaus data available in? What URLs should I report to URLhaus?

What impact does the URLhaus data have?

So far, 3'446'325 malware sites have been shared via the URLhaus platform. With this intelligence, as a community, we have:

  • Helped takedown +3 million malware sites
  • Issued +4 million takedown notices
  • Answered around 175 million API requests in 30 days, enabling other threat researchers (statistic from October 2024), providing real-time insights for threat hunting and mitigation
  • Over 5000 daily consumers relying on URLhaus data feeds and exports to support threat intelligence practitioners
  • Supported national CERTs and CSIRTs in defense efforts to protect their constituencies
  • Assisted major law enforcement agencies in some of the biggest global takedown efforts, such as Operation Endgame

Your data is also contributing to the effectiveness and impact of Spamhaus’ datasets to enhance email and network protection while providing more context-rich data for threat hunting

Read more about the impact of your contributions here.

What formats is the URLhaus data available in?

You can access malicious URLs from URLhaus through several methods:

  • Browse the URLhaus database
  • Integrate via API
  • Access through one of three feeds: ASN Feed, Country Feed, TLD Feed
  • Real time feeds, provided by our partner, Spamhaus
  • Additionally, malicious URLs shared through URLhaus influence Spamhaus datasets

Spamhaus datasets that leverage data from URLhaus:

  • Hash Dataset: Includes cryptographic hashes linked to malicious content, used for protecting and/or filtering emails. This dataset is accessible through DNS Blocklists (DNSBLs)
  • Domain Dataset: Containing data signals on 315 million domains, positive or negative in reputation, including those associated with malware distribution. This dataset is available for protection using DNSBLs and Spamhaus DNS Firewall, or utilize associated domain metadata to support investigations via Spamhaus Intelligence API

What impact does the MalwareBazaar data have?

For details of the URLs to submit to URLhaus please read the submission policy