
NEW | Hunt across all platforms with one simple query - discover if an IPv4 address, domain, URL or file hash has been identified on any platform from a centralized search tool. Test it out here - and happy hunting 🔍


URLhaus offers an API to both, receive (download) and submit malware URLs from the URLhaus database. The API is documented below.

Database dump (CSV) Daily MISP Events DNS Response Policy Zone (RPZ) Snort / Suricata IDS rulset hostfile Plain-Text URL List (URLs only) Collected Payloads (CSV) ClamAV signatures Submit malware URLs Submission Policy Your Account API for automated bulk queries

Database dumps

We provide various URLhaus database dumps. Depending on your need, you can choose between a full dump (containing URLs that are either actively distributing malware or that have been added to URLhaus within the past 90 days), a dump of active malware distribution sites only or a dump of any URL added to URLhaus within the past 30 days. You can choose between CSV and JSON format. The dumps are generated every 5 minutes. Please do not fetch it more often than every 5 minutes.

Full database dump, contains URLs that are either actively distributing malware or that have been added to URLhaus within the past 90 days:

Download CSV (zip compressed)

Download JSON (zip compressed)

Recent database dump, contains recent additions (URLs) only (past 30 days):

Download CSV (recent URLs only)

Download JSON (recent URLs only)

Active database dump, contains online (active) malware URLs only:

Download CSV (online URLs only)

Download JSON (online URLs only)

Daily MISP Events

You can download URLhaus IOCs as daily MISP events. New MISP events get generated at midnight. Plese do not try to fetch them before 00:15 UTC.

DNS Response Policy Zone (RPZ)

By using an DNS Reponse Policy Zone (RPZ), also known as DNS firewall, you can block the resolution of certain domain names on your DNS resolver. URLhaus extracts the domain names from malware URLs and offers them in an RPZ dataset. More information about DNS RPZ can be found on

The RPZ zone file gets generated every 5 minutes. Please do not fetch it more often than every 5 minutes.

Download RPZ

Snort / Suricata Ruleset

If you are using a network intrusion detection and preventation systems (IDS / IPS) like Snort or Suricata (or any other IDS that supports the Snort / Suricata Ruleset format), you may use the URLhaus IDS Ruleset to identify network traffic towards known malware URLs. The ruleset will only trigger on the extact URL in a HTTP stream (HTTP GET request).

The IDS ruleset gets generated every 5 minutes. Please do not fetch it more often than every 5 minutes.

Download IDS Ruleset

Download IDS Ruleset (tar.gz)

If you are using Suricata IDS, there is a dedicated ruleset available that is using sticky buffers, which comes with a performance increase compared to the standard ruleset above:

Download Suricata IDS Ruleset

Download Suricata IDS Ruleset (tar.gz)

host file (domains only)

Some commercial and open source security software (such as Pi-hole) can block access to domain names based on the host file format. For this purpose, URLhaus offers a list of domain names associated with malware URLs below.

Download host file

Plain-Text URL List (URLs only)

The Plain-Text URL List is a dump of all malware URLs known to URLhaus. It does not contain anything else than one URL per line, which is useful if you want to use the URLhaus dataset as an IOC (Indicator Of Compromise). You can match them against certain log files of your security permieter, for example web proxy logs. You may also use it as a blocklist with a low false positive rate.

The Plain-Text URL List gets generated every 5 minutes. Please do not fetch it more often than every 5 minutes.

Download Plain-Text URL List

As the database dump (Plain-Text file) mentiond above is growing in size, some commercial security solutions are not able to fetch it. URLhaus therefore provides the following sub-sets:

URLhaus database dump (Plain-Text) containing recent additions (URLs) only (past 30 days):

Download Plain-Text (recent URLs only)

URLhaus database dump (Plain-Text) containing only online (active) malware URLs:

Download Plain-Text (online URLs only)

Collected Payloads (CSV)

URLhaus regularely checks the content served by malicious URLs that are known to URLhaus. This CSV contains all payloads collected by URLhaus, identified by a hash (MD5 / SHA256 hash). Please consider that not all payloads are malicious. As a matter of fact, a URL can e.g. serve any content once it has been cleaned up.

Download Collected Payloads CSV (zip compressed)

URLhaus ClamAV signatures

URLhaus generates a ClamAV signature database which gets updated once per minute. This allows you to add almost real time detection of malware distribution sites (e.g. such ones being used by Emotet/Heodo) on your email gateway / spam filter. As the signature file only contains active malware distribution sites or such that have been added to URLhaus in past 48 hours, the false positive rate should be very low. You can download the signature file here:

Download ClamAV signature database

ClamAV SHA256 checksum file:

If you plan to implement the URLhaus ClamAV signatures, please ensure that you update the signature file once per minute to receive the best protection / spam catch rate. You can do so by setup a cron that executes the following script every minute:

I do also recommend you to either REJECT or QUARANTINE any email message that contains a link blacklisted in the URLhaus ClamAV signature file. In case you decide to REJECT emails containing blacklisted urls, you are free to put the following link into the error message you send back to the user:

Further information about the implementation of ClamAV can be found on the following websites:

Submit malware URLs

Collecting and maintaing a list of malware URLs means a lot of work. I therefore appreciate any submissions from 3rd parties like security researchers, SOC analysts or vendors to URLhaus. If you would like to submit malware URLs to URLhaus, there are two ways to do so:

Submissions via web interface

You can use the web interface to submit a malware URL to URLhaus. In order to do so, you will need to login with your account. Please consider that your handle will be public visible unless stated otherwise (by selecting the option anonymous report).

Submissions via API

There is a web API you can use for automated or bulk submissions. You can call the API through Python or your prefered scripting language.

To submit a malware URL to URLhaus through bulk API, you must send a POST request to The post request must contain the following fields (JSON):

anonymousIf set to 1, your submission will be anonymous (required)
submissionList of URLs (required)
URLURL you want to submit (required)
ThreatThreat (required, must be malware_download)
TagsTag. Allowed characters: [A-Za-z0-9.- ] (optional)

In addition, your POST request must contain the Auth-Key field, containing your personal Auth-Key. If you don't have an Auth-Key yet, you can get one at the Authentication Portal.

If you want to send malware URLs to URLhaus using python, you can find a sample script here:

More sample python scripts showing how to interact with the URLhaus bulk API are available here:

Submission Policy

URLhaus is currently only collecting websites (URLs) that are directly being used to distribute malware. Please note that any other submissions will be ignored / deleted from URLhaus.
Before you start to submit URLs to URLhaus, I encourage you to read the following submission policy:

Note: Should you repeatedly violate the submission policy documented above, your account may get banned from URLhaus.

Your Account

API for automated bulk queries

If you would like to query URLhaus for e.g. an URL or malware sample in an automated way, there is a dedicated API available for this purpose. It also allows you to download a specific malware sample or daily batches: